Our networks of interest

Categorization of population

We have decided to gather the following populations by category in order to create, generate initiatives and projects that contribute to the construction of networks and strengthen the social fabric.

Each network of interest has different social groups that share characteristics, interests, struggles, resilience and backgrounds.


In this category are included the following populations: indigenous, Afro, migrants and street dwellers. In this space you will find projects that improve the quality of life and reduce the disadvantaged situations of these populations.

Our initiatives

Learn about the projects and actions we have carried out with the communities.


This network of interest is focused on the different stages of the life course: children, adolescents, youth, adults and the elderly. Promoting scenarios of participation, culture, art and education in order to encourage the reestablishment of rights.

Our initiatives

Learn about the projects and actions we have carried out with the generations.


In this network of interest we prioritize the populations that are systematically affected: Women and the LGBTIQ+ community. We are in search of the elimination of gender differences through the scenarios of participation, culture, art, education and the reestablishment of rights.

Our initiatives

Learn about the projects and actions we have carried out with the genders.

If you belong to any of these populations and you have an initiative, feel free to contact us and stay tuned to find out about our projects with this population in the near future.

Let 's talk now!

Write to us via WhatsApp or call us at (+57) 317 512 9172.

You can also write to us at [email protected].

Park Way neighborhood.
Bogotá, Colombia.

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